*ACTIVE REST = walking, light jog in spot etc. It is important that this rest is active to keep your heart rate from dropping suddenly
*Plyometric Squat = instead of keeping your feet on the floor during each squat, explode up into a jump and then squat down.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Light warm-up jog for 10 minutes, followed by dynamic stretching (active movements that prepare your joints for the range of motion that you will perform during your workout.)
-15 pushups
-40 sit-ups
-20 squats (regular or plyometric)
-15 scissor lunges (performed like a regular lunge but instead of stepping into the lunge you jump into it, alternating legs each time)
ACTIVE REST (30-60seconds)
Repeat 2 more times.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - this is a great way to boost your metabolism!
-run at max. speed for 15 seconds
-light jog for 45 seconds
Repeat 10-15 times, followed by 5 min. cool down.
Static stretches - these are stretches where you hold the pose for about 30 seconds. Try to spend at least the last 10-15 minutes of your workout stretching.
Tuesday, Thursday
Light warm-up for 5 minutes (bike, jog, elliptical etc.), followed by dynamic stretching
-15 bicep curls
-15 tricep dips/kick-backs
-60 seconds freestyle skipping
ACTIVE REST (30-60 seconds)
-50 mountain climbers
-30 oblique crunches
-60 seconds freestyle skipping
ACTIVE REST (30-60 seconds)
-15 deadlifts (straight leg or romanian)
-20 superman back extensions laying on floor
-60 seconds freestyle skipping
ACTIVE REST (30-60 seconds)
Repeat 2 more times.
Static stretching
-free workout: swim, yoga, bike ride, 5km run, hike etc.
Do this workout for 4-6 weeks. If the HIIT is taking it's toll on you replace two weekdays with a steady run at 80% of your maximum, or increase the rest time between intervals. The lovely part of this workout is that it requires very little equipment and can be completed in under 1 hour. Hope you enjoy it and I guarantee you will see results in no time!
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